Hi Guys, How many times of you want to prank with your Friends by creating fake virus, Well friends it is very simple methods to create the fake computer virus. you have just Write the two simple code in your Notepad, & your Friend run this file own computer, he will get show the error that, & his computer was infected the the virus or anything else. In This article you will teach info about the how to make a fake virus for prank with your Friends. Psiphon 3 for PC
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This fake virus code is based on VB Scripts, Which wee will show the some simple Scripts, In windows Pc. This will not harm the computer and not create the any types of problems and issues. So, Here are you see the created methods. This methods is only for the educational purpose only. So, Please I requested you don’t use this for any wrong purpose. In Reality. There is no any virus file this is only the prank with your Friends you can add this code in fake virus notepad in your computer. Fredoom APK
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Using here these methods to create fake computer Virus in your PC or Friends PC. This Guide is completely safe this This will not harm your computer any types of damages. This is just only for the Educational Purpose & Prank with your Friends only. I know that You friends will shocked how you have created this kinds of things in his Computer. So, You can always show your unique skills to all friends & do somethings new always, for be a awesome in your Friends eye. Also Checkout method for How To Change IMEI Any Android. So you have follow here the easy steps, For creating Simple virus. There are many different types of virus Like How To Create Fake Computer Virus Warning, How To Create Fake Android Virus Etc. Must Check Spotify Premium APK
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How to Create Fake Virus to Prank Someone
This very simple methods, for create the fake virus. you have just copy this copy and the paste this code from your Notepad then save it below given code & have change the file extension. You can also modified this code easily, without having any programming skills and knowledge. This tricks is only on work the windows PC. Because it is VB shell Scripts, This scripts is specially created by the windows Pc. This Guide is interested for you, then check it out from below. and this notepad virus script was send the message of your friends is fake virus text message like your computer was hacked.
- First of All Open Notepad
- After Open Notepad now copy this all code in via CTRL + C
X=MsgBox(“Error while opening Computer. Do you want to Fix this Error?”,4+64,”Computer”)
X=MsgBox(“Unable to Fix this Error. Do you want to scan this Computer”,3+48,”Computer”)
X=MsgBox(“Alert ! Virus Detected. Delete Virus? “,3+16,”Alert!”)
X=MsgBox(“Unable to delete this Virus”,1+64,”Critical Error”)
X=MsgBox(“Virus Is activated”,2+16,”Alert”)
X=MsgBox(“Deleling System Files…..”,2+16,”File Deletion”)
X=MsgBox(“Virus is copying your password…..”,2+48,”Virus Alert”)
X=MsgBox(“Please Wait, Uploading your data to Server. Do you want to Stop it”,4+64,”File Transfer”)
X=MsgBox(“Could not stop. File Transfer Completed”,1+16,”Completed”)
X=MsgBox(“Your Computer is Hacked”,0+64,”Alert”)
X=MsgBox(“HAHA This was Prank”,0+64,”Fooled You”)
- So, After copy this text code, Right Click on your Desktop & Select New – Text Document
- Now, Enter the filename as this – Virus.vbs
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- So Now, Right Click on your file & select on Edit With Notepad ++ & Paste Code, Which you was copied earlier.
Note – If you don’t have already notepad++ installed, then you can install from here – Download Notepad++
- Now, you can Just Save the file & Move it from any other disk like f:// disk or leave it on desktop.
- Now Move it from your Friend’s Desktop & Double Select on The file & Now Show it to your friend computer that in your PC, there is some kinds of Virus, & he will shocked 🙂

fake pc virus
Change The Icon of the File for Make it look like more Real
- First of all, you will Move this file to C:// Drive & Right Click on it & Click on Send button to – Desktop (Create Shortcut)
- Now, You can Open the Desktop & you will see the shortcut file, & Right Click on, & Click on Shortcut tab & Select Change Icon Tab.

fake computer virus
- Now, select on any other icon from your choice, or you can save below icon & Select this Virus Icon.
- Now, Finally You can Ask your friend to Select and open on those file & he will see the virus is there but it’s just small prank. in reality there is no virus in the file.
Download From here to ready-made Fake Virus File – Download
Warning – – This Trick is for educational purpose only.
Final Words
So, Guys Here are you see the Complete Guide from How To Create Fake Computer Virus for Prank with your Friends, in which you can create fake Computer & Android Virus File. Also Checkout How to Use WhatsApp without Mobile Number. You can Always remember on your mind it just a file only on prank with your Friends, its just not a real virus. You can simple run it on your friend’s Pc easily. I Hope you are like this Tutorials How To Create Fake Computer Virus for Prank with your Friends. if you have any doubt and queries, Then you can feel free to comment below. Thanks for visiting & keep visit here for get more cool stuffs like this.
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